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Birthdays & House Shows

Decided to do a video update this time! If you don’t like watching videos, here’s the gist: I’ve been learning to play my songs on classical guitar lately, with the intention of hosting a house show on January 27. It’ll be a very small crowd, but let me know if you want an invitation! The […]

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Here / Now on a Nylon String Guitar

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Ed Dickerson, Old Time Music, and Long-Time Friends

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Above Water

This is it! Release week! Above Water comes out on Friday. It’s been a long time coming, and I’m elated to get it out to the world.  On Wednesday at 8pm, I’m hosting a Listening Party online, and you should join me! Share your thoughts, questions, and feedback in real time, as the album plays […]

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Quick Update // My Head

Hi Hi! Things have been a little wild around here. For various reasons, I switched up some medications about a month ago, and it set me back pretty hard for a few rough weeks. I’m mostly recovered at this point, but I’m still playing catch-up. I’ve got an interview coming soon for my patrons, which […]

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New Single & Such

Hi Friend! How has summer been treating you? Avoiding the wildfire smoke, I hope! In case you haven’t heard, there’s a new Soft Punch single out called “Here / Now.” Last week, Week In Pop debuted the music video, along with a thoughtful article about it. Creem Magazine included it in their Spotify playlist on […]

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Cascading & Cavernous Piano Flourishes

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Living With Lemons

My dog is snoring, snug against my leg on the couch, and I’m listening to the boygenius album. I’ll probably put on some Miles Davis next. Or maybe I’ll rewatch an episode of Yellowjackets. I still can’t look at a regular TV without getting an immediate migraine, but I have a 16″ 4k monitor with […]

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Ricardo Lagomasino PART 2: Talking Heads, Tape Machines, and Super Sonic Snares

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Ricardo Lagomasino PART 1: Lucy Dacus, Deleted Scenes, and Good Posture

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