Patreon Import

Ryan McLaughlin, Old Bands, Kanye Beats, and “2AM vs Email”

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Patreon Import

I Want You, Beach Boy Mics, & Singing In The Dark

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Patreon Import

I Almost Died But I’m OK Now

Hi!! I was going to tell you about so much in this post: new music, new meds, new toys, new perspectives. But then I almost died, and that interrupted everything. It started with my gut. I just got a bit backed up, not a huge deal. Except that it triggered a UTI, which caused a […]

Patreon Import

Andy Bowen × Post-Disco Loop × Talking Heads

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New Vintage & The Dancing Sun

Remember when I put out a single about love & outer space? And the dope cassette art for it was based on a NASA photo of Space Shuttle Discovery? I know what you’re thinking, “Man, it would have been so cool if you had made that art into a t-shirt.” Good news! I did!!   […]


Thank You, Black Women

I totally missed Black History Month, and we’re well into Women’s History Month. I’d like to (belatedly) celebrate both! Here are just a few Black women that made a lasting impression on me. 1. Lauryn Hill What is there to say? Miseducation is everything, but I even had a moment with Unplugged. She cuts to […]


Why Do Record Labels Still Exist? (Part One)

It’s rare that a record label, small or large, shows up in the news for positive reasons. We regularly hear about unfair contracts, paltry payments, and putting profit over music. With the digital distribution options now available, why do artists even bother? This is a totally valid question! I could write a whole thesis paper […]

Patreon Import

Now’s The Time, Woodstoves, & Mazzy Star

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It’s only February, and I’ve already heard a handful of stunning new albums this year, but I only just got a chance to listen to last year’s Low LP. I can’t stop thinking about it. Since this is my blog, I can cover whatever I damn well please, so we’re jumping back to November of […]

Patreon Import


Well, this was a surprise– Someone nominated me for a Wammie! That’s a “Washington Area Music Award,” in case you were (understandably!) unaware. DC has its own little music awards show every year, and this year, someone nominated Astering for Best Pop Song. I’m not sure if it quite belongs in that category, but I’ll […]